We picked up the Financial Fitness Program and started learning from the materials and applying the 47 principles and in less than 18 months we managed to eliminate just over $108K worth of debt!! The Financial Fitness Program works like a charm- even better than everybody says it does!
Bart and Amanda Biemond
I am so stinking excited about this Green Box!!! It has changed everything in our lives! When we were introduced to the Financial Fitness Program, we were in graduate school and running head-long into the Financial Matrix. The very thing the Green Box did for us was stop us in our tracks, and we haven't accrued anymore debt since- which is FIRED UP! Then we learned how to pay less in taxes, invest in ourselves, and give ourselves a 30% raise at work!! Then, in 7 weeks time, we have one months worth of savings and have paid off over $10,000 of debt!!! This is only the beginning for the Smith family. The Green Box revolution has just begun.
AJ and Emily Smith